• New or Obsolete Product | Ready to Test Prototypes in Just 3 Weeks

  • Whether you need to remanufacture an existing product that your OEM provider has quit manufacturing, or develop a new or custom version of a product, OSI can take your new transducer from concept to testable prototype in just three weeks. Ohio Semitronics team of MeasurementTechnology Engineers and Specialists will guide you through their time-proven process to achieve the exact electrical

  • measurement you require. Every project is managed by OSI’s VP of Engineering. Our proven process has delivered thousands

  • of electrical measurement devices from concept to actual market application.


The Process

1) We receive your input and concept 2) We assess feasibility  3) Proposal is submitted with achievable

specifications and pricing 4) If approved, the drafting team submits a mock-up for review  5) Engineering team

then designs prototype to specs 6) OSI “grows” the prototype using 3D printer technology  7) Working prototype

is sent to you for testing 8) After your testing, we review results and provide any modifications or spec changes

9)The revised prototype is resubmitted for second-level testing 10) Once approved, OSI will work with

you for manufacturing requirements



No One Has Created More Custom Electrical Measurement Devices

  • Since pioneering the first Hall Effect Sensors in the 1960s, Ohio Semitronics has produced more custom and

  • unique electrical measurement devices than any other company worldwide.